Resources for Residents and Fellows
Services & Links
Welcome Packet Link
Resident Wellness Link
GME Lounge
Location: F5/606 (take the F elevators to the 6th floor)
Badge-access only; if your badge isn’t working, contact Officer Brian Heferl in Hospital Security
The lounge is equipped with the following items for all House Staff to use: - Cable TV - Computer connected to the hospital system and Internet - Couches - Microwave - Telephone - Bulletin board
Lactation Rooms:
Each room has a comfortable chair in it with a door that locks. To schedule time in one of the rooms, visit https://uconnect.wisc.edu/pay/benefit-programs/resources-for-lactating-women/ or call 262-6307
Employee Assistance Program
When you or your family need useful ideas, lifestyle coaching, helpful resources or reliable professional care, LifeMatters, your EAP (Employee Assistance Program) is just a phone call away. Services are free and confidential. Call toll-free 1-800-634-6433 or visit: https://uconnect.wisc.edu/pay/benefit-programs/employee-assistance-program/
Counseling Services
LifeMatters offers confidential, free, face-to-face or telephone counseling for: - Stress, depression and personal problems - Balancing work and personal needs - Family and relationship concerns - Alcohol or drug dependency - Workplace conflicts
Financial Services
LifeMatters offers financial consultation and resources from a consumer credit counselor to set up a budget, obtain and review credit report information, or assist with debt management and consolidation.
Legal Consultation
Your EAP offers legal consultation with an attorney, either over the phone or face-to-face, for consumer law, traffic citations and fender benders, family law or estate planning.
Guided Searches and Online Resources
LifeMatters offers online and counselor-assisted searches for child and elder care resources and guidance. In addition, LifeMatters offers several online calculators for a variety of analytical questions and needs.
How to Access EAP/LifeMatters Services
Services provided directly by LifeMatters are free. If you are referred to outside resources, you will be advised about your costs, if any.
By phone: The program's user-friendly, confidential services are available to you and your eligible dependents 24 hours a day, every day of the year by calling 1-800-634-6433. You will need a password, which you can find on the UWHC Internet.
Online: On the Internet, go to http://www.neas.com and select "access member resources" to create a user profile that will allow you to access resources, educational information and self-service options. You will need a password, which you can find on the UWHC Internet.
UW Med School Ombudsperson
The Ombuds Office serves as a confidential and neutral resource for resolving disputes. You get more information at their website http://www.med.wisc.edu/Ombuds.
The VA Physical Therapy facility is available to residents from 7:30 to 8am, noon-1pm, and 4pm to 6pm weekdays. It is located in B2-215 (2 floors below EVP) and has a wall of windows opening into the courtyard beneath the bridge to EVP.
There are two treadmills, a universal weight set, a “total gym”, a step machine and stationary bicycles among other equipment. Towels are also available. The rules are that equipment may be used at these times if vets are not using them.
The doors are usually locked at some point between 5 and 6pm.
UW recreational center pass (for the Natatorium and Serf) is:
$233 for 12 months
$180 for 8 months
$92 for 4 months
$29 for 1 month